New metal sorter from Redwave

The Redwave RF fine sorting machine can detect and sort a blend of non-ferrous metals starting from a size of 4 mm, to produce products such as pure copper, brass, zinc and precious metal fractions.
New metal sorter from Redwave
Copyright: Redwave

For metal recyclers, fully automated sorting with X-ray fluorescence technology has proven to be extremely economical and efficient for years. In the past, sorting machines have faced a significant challenge in achieving loss-free sorting of fine material within the 4-25 mm size range. While common sorting machines typically use a chute system that works well for coarse material, it has several limitations when it comes to fine material.

Developed specifically for materials measuring from 4 mm, the Redwave XRF fine employs a belt system instead of a chute system. This approach offers several key advantages, including:

  • The speed of the material remains consistent, ensuring uniform conveyance of the material on the
    belt system.
  • The trajectory of the material is predictable and remains constant.
  • The innovative belt system makes it well-suited for small, round, and rolling parts.

Designed with ease of maintenance and accessibility in mind, the new sorter has been optimised for rapid service and maintenance work. The belt change can now be carried out quickly.

The Redwave XRF fine machine is loaded with a significant increase in the number of energy-saving valves, optimally arranged and spaced to maximizes sorting accuracy. The machine also boasts an innovative and highly developed sensor technology that offers fast scan rates, a higher resolution, and precise material detection.


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