Price: EUR 15,80
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Using concrete blocks for constructing stockpile bays and bunds
Big boys’ blocks
Using concrete blocks for constructing stockpile bays and bundsWhat to consider when buying an electric material handler
Electrified advantages
What to consider when buying an electric material handlerA recycling centre for electronics and cooling units in Hungary
High-tech on the plain
A recycling centre for electronics and cooling units in HungaryMaking high-grade metals and oils out of hazardous waste
In the metal distillery
Making high-grade metals and oils out of hazardous wasteFrom landfill to energy-from-waste in twenty years
Paradigm shift in the UK
From landfill to energy-from-waste in twenty yearsHow to recover strategic metals from thin film solar cells economically
Recovery of indium
How to recover strategic metals from thin film solar cells economicallyNord Group takes care of salvage and other hazardous waste
Specialised in dirty jobs
Nord Group takes care of salvage and other hazardous wasteRecovering of iron, non-ferrous and precious metals from rust slag
Too valuable for landfilling
Recovering of iron, non-ferrous and precious metals from rust slag Order single issue
RECYCLING magazine 08 / 2014
Price: EUR 15,80
Price excl. VAT and postage
Germany 5,00 EUR
International 5,00 EUR