Sao Sopheap, a spokesman for Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment, said that Gomi’s director Yusuke Okumura met Minister of Environment Say Samal and sought support from the government on the project.
Mr. Sopheap said that “the minister encouraged Gomi to recycle the plastic waste it gathers into products that consumers can use again.”
“It benefits our economy because it creates jobs in a province that is poor,” said Mr. Sopheap. He said that the finished products are made from recycled plastic waste. “Furthermore the construction of the plant helps keep the environment clean by getting rid of plastic garbage,” he added.
Estimates suggest that Cambodians use about 10 million plastic bags annually and each person uses at least five plastic bags a day.
“It will create more jobs in Svay Rieng and help better our province’s economy,” said Men Vibol, Svay Rieng’s provincial governor. “We really welcome such an investment. It will not only keep our province clean but also help recycle plastic waste into products that will be useful for our community,” Mr. Vibol added.
Mr. Vibol said that the factory could be located in Svay Rieng’s Bavet district which has an industrial zone. “Bavet district has eight special economic zones (SEZs), of which four are fully functional,” said Mr. Vibol. “The other four will be built soon,” said Mr. Vibol. “We welcome the Japanese plastic waste recycling factory to be located here,” he added.