The waste management industry is heavily regulated, in order to minimise or eliminate the dispersal of waste materials into the environment. The legislation states that records should be kept relating to the weight of waste materials handled.
Michael McLarnon of ISL Waste Management and a contributor to the white paper, said: “Failure to comply with weighing regulation could mean your business is hit with heavy fines.
“It is important to have company policy and ISO accredited procedures in place to ensure compliance with weight regulation.”
Marsden’s Managing Director, Richard Black, added: “Weight legislation in waste management is complex and it is vital that companies understand the regulation, which is why we’ve produced this new, easy to read guide.
“With the weight of waste so integral to reporting that it is vital the right scales are used. This guide outlines clearly what should be reported, how frequently, and the scales suitable for the job.”
The white paper can be downloaded here.