Euric unveils metal recycling brochure

Euric has published a factsheet on Metal Recycling highlighting the importance of both ferrous and non-ferrous metal recycling and their substantial benefits for the environment and the economy in Europe.

The Brochure outlines the environmental benefits, the economic and international trade aspects of steel, aluminum and copper recycling.

Susie Burrage, President of EuRIC Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling Branch and owner of a metal recycling company in the UK emphasized the importance of communicating about the vital role played by metal recyclers across Europe to preserve resources and re-introducing them back into the economy.

Thomas Papageorgiou, President of EuRIC Ferrous Metal Recycling Branch and Executive of a leading metal recycling facility in Greece, added that these benefits require well-functioning value chains and the right policy drivers to further boost the circular economy, pointing out at the priorities of the recycling industry for the period 2019 -2024 recently published by EuRIC.

As the European Commission has confirmed in its Green Deal that the circular economy and climate-neutrality sit on top of its agenda, it is urgent to address obstacles affecting circular material flows and reward the use of raw materials from recycling in line with their significant greenhouse gas emissions and energy savings, they concluded.

This Factsheet will be followed by other publications stressing the vital role played by the recycling industry to realize the transition towards a circular economy and achieve climate-neutrality.

Download the brochure


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