By combining EVK Hyperspectral Imaging Technology with a deep learning approach and robotics technology from OP Teknik, the two companies developed a flexible, high- throughput system Selma for accurate sorting of selected fractions in C&D waste.
The system combines EVK Helios imaging platform with robotics-based sorting and is characterized by the ability to accurately differentiate between many heterogeneous materials, such as paper, cartonnage, wood or even light bulbs. The stand-alone sorting system Selma can be rapidly deployed to remote demolition sites and addresses recyclers to whom high C&D sorting accuracy and high throughput is of high importance.
Fredrik Brandt, CTO, OP Teknik explains: “The classification enables the handling of complex material flows, as they occur in CnD waste sorting”. He adds: “The provided sorting system Selma can be used anywhere and is ideally suited for large sorting plants which handle industrial waste”.