Plastics For Change is now Ocean Bound Plastic Certified Collector

India-based social enterprise, Plastics For Change has become one of the first companies in the world to be certified by the OBP certification.
Source: Plastics For Change

Introduced in 2020 by Zero Plastics Ocean in collaboration with Control Union Certifications, the program certifies companies that can guarantee that their products truly are, or originate from OBP and adhere to fair trade guidelines.

Around 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans every year – contributing up to 80% of all marine debris. Apart from entering human food-chains, ocean plastic also has a devastating impact on marine ecosystems – threatening the lives of many species that either ingest or are entangled in plastic waste. With such far-reaching impacts, the need to stem the flow of plastic into our oceans has become a priority with organisations like Plastics For Change whose efforts are focused on the coastal regions of India – thereby making it fundamental to their mission.

The organisation was certified as an OBP Collection Organisation by the program after an intensive audit process. Verified during audits conducted, was the scope of traceability across the supply chain of products containing ocean-bound plastic as well as the origin of plastic sourced by enterprises. As a certified company, Plastics for Change further establishes its focus on preserving biodiversity as well as ensuring equity in trade and working conditions – also providing an assurance to stakeholders and building credibility for its sourcing operations.

Having developed an ethical sourcing platform that connects informal waste collectors to global markets and international brands, Plastics For Change is on a mission to use plastic waste as a resource to create better livelihoods for marginalised waste collectors while contributing towards cleaner oceans. This certification reiterates the commitment of the organisation, which was also the first plastic recycler to be verified by the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).

The organisation hopes that the certification will aid them in enabling an increasing number of brands to become sustainable in their sourcing and transition from virgin plastic to ocean-bound, recycled plastic – thereby helping the planet and its people.


  1. Congratulations to Plastics For Change on becoming an Ocean Bound Plastic Certified Collector – a commendable step towards cleaner oceans and fair trade practices!


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