
RECYCLING magazine 01 / 2024

Source: AI; Adobe Firefly
With the CRMA, the EU wants to build partnerships with resource-rich countries. But how can both sides benefit? Although sometimes questioned, reusable packaging is almost always the best solution. And EuRIC, the European recycling association, has positioned itself in time for the European elections in June.

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  • Topics

  • Source: 12019;

    Breaking down barriers

    In today’s fast-paced medical environment, handling and disposing of medical waste has emerged as a challenge of critical importance.

  • Source: naknaknak;

    Brought into position

    In a paper, EuRIC has made clear what it expects from the new EU Commission.

  • Source: Stefan Schweihofer:;

    Build it circular

    A white paper analyses the potential for applying circular economy principles to the built environment.

  • Source: Euric

    Change and continuity

    Outgoing Secretary General Emmanuel Katrakis looks back his on ten years at EuRIC.

  • Source:; shahid sultan

    Climate change impacts in the Global South

    A focused exploration of the case of Jammu and Kashmir, a region in the Himalayan range and managed by India.

  • Source: Roland-Mey;

    E-cigarette batteries cause great deal of waste

    Although the lithium-ion batteries in disposable electronic cigarettes are discarded after a single use, they can continue to perform at high capacity for hundreds of cycles.

  • Source: Pexels;

    Hardly any progress in Ireland

    While some member states are on track regarding the EU‘s circular economy targets, others are lagging behind. This includes the Republic of Ireland.

  • Source: Karolina Sikora;

    It will take a miracle

    The monitoring report on the 8th EAP is not very encouraging: most of the targets are unlikely to be met, even with significantly increased efforts.

  • Source: Igor Ovsyannykov;

    Nearly always a better solution

    At first glance, it should be obvious that reusable solutions make more environmental sense than disposable packaging. However, this is sometimes doubted, and there is also the question of cost-effectiveness.

  • Source: Enrique;

    On an equal footing

    The EU‘s CRMA provides for strategic partnerships with resource-rich countries. But how could these be organised so that both partners benefit equally?

  • Source: Sensoneo

    Romania launches Deposit Return Scheme

    The world’s largest centralised DRS has almost 80,000 collection points.

  • Source: Pete Linforth; pixabay

    UK plastic recycling needs to rethink the use of non-OECD

    Recoup has found that significant quantities of plastic waste are being shipped to developing non-OECD countries.

  • Source: Fotopersburo Dijkstra Paul Dijkstra

    Utilising all the options

    A KPMG study aims to identify the supply and demand for plastic waste to assess what the Dutch plastics industry needs to become more circular.

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RECYCLING magazine 01 / 2024

Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
Price excl. VAT and postage
Germany EUR 5.00
International EUR 5.00

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