FEhS Institute welcomes EU Commission’s 2024-2029 policy guidelines
| Pursuing the objectives of the European Green Deal in a Clean Industrial Deal, create a new law on the circular economy to intensify the use of secondary raw materials and optimize public procurement.
EU waste legislation requires radical rethink
| On 25 July 2024, the European Commission called on all Member States to meet waste collection and recycling targets; its letters of formal notice to the Member States underline their legal obligation to properly and fully implement EU environmental law.
Only partially on track
| The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are important guidelines for many countries and regions.
Review of UK 2018 waste strategy shows only 20% of policies fully implemented
| A review of the 2018 Resources and Waste Strategy undertaken by CIWM has found that only 20% of the policies in the strategy have been fully implemented, with another 54% only partially in place.
Living in a plastic world: tackling the plastic pollution problem
| Plastic pollution has emerged as one of our most pressing environmental issues with the increasing use of disposable plastics.
Zero Waste Europe urges comprehensive inclusion of waste incineration in EU ETS
| Municipal waste incineration must immediately and comprehensively be included in the EU’s Emission Trading System, says the environmental network Zero Waste Europe in a new report.
EuRIC urges swift deal and no EPR for second-hand
| EU Environment Ministers have adopted the Council’s position on the targeted revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), covering food and textile waste.
Waste Framework Directive: food waste reduction sidelined while Council agrees to textile reforms
| The Council of the EU has favoured the treatment of textile waste in its position on the Waste Framework Directive, while breaking its promise to reduce food waste, the environmental network Zero Waste Europe says.
Manipulation of national data described as “paradigmatic” of current EU trends
| A Spanish corporation responsible for managing packaging waste in the beverage industry has been discovered manipulating data. Ecoembes claims a 71% separate collection rate for small plastic bottles (2021), but the reality is a dismal 36%.
FEAD calls for circular resources for a European Industrial Deal
| Ahead of the 2024 European elections, FEAD has published its manifesto, calling for circular resources for a European Industrial Deal and proposing the establishment of a Circular Material Use Act.
Waste-to-Energy source of decarbonised district heating supply
| FEAD, CEWEP, Municipal Waste Europe and SGI Europe stress that heat recovered from the thermal treatment of waste (WtE) should be considered as waste heat in the framework of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED).
NGO-Business Coalition welcomes ENVI Committee vote
| On Thursday, the European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) voted in favour of MEP Jutta Paulus' motion for a resolution objecting the draft Commission Implementing Decision on the mass balance approach under the Single Use Plastics Directive (SUPD).
EuRIC hails ENVI’s call to reconsider mass balance method for recycled content calculation in...
| EuRIChails today’s vote in the Parliament’s ENVI committee, in favor of a motion for a resolution opposing the European Commission’s flawed recycled content calculation mass balance method in the Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD).
Report: An EU regulatory framework for a low carbon material economy
| Eunomia’s latest report recommends the replacement of the Waste Framework Directive with a Materials Framework Directive, and the establishment of EU-level powers on environmental taxation.