According to the Alocci RI Group, May is the third month in a row characterized by a strong escalation of the metallic raw materials prices, mostly for the ferrous scrap ones.
According to the Alocci RI Group, May is the third month in a row characterized by a strong escalation of the metallic raw materials prices, mostly for the ferrous scrap ones.
World crude steel production for the 66 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (Worldsteel) was 120 million tonnes (Mt) in February 2016, a -3.3% decrease compared to February 2015.
World crude steel production reached 1,622.8 million tonnes (Mt) for the year 2015, down by -2.8% compared to 2014. Crude steel production decreased in all regions except Oceania in 2015.
The European Recycling Industries Confederation (EuRIC) voiced European steel recyclers’ views during a side-event of the United Nations conference on climate change COP21.
With a recycling quota of 93.3% of the Tinplate packaging consumed in Germany, packaging steel has retained its top position once again in 2014.
Revised data on the EU steel market suggest that demand could grow by 1.5% in 2015, on a par with the expected rise in activity of the EU steel consuming sectors. However, third country suppliers rather than domestic producers will be the main beneficiaries from demand growth in the EU market. Weakening domestic order intakes signal that steel buyers are remaining very cautious.
World crude steel production for the 65 countries reporting to the World Steel Association was 128 million tonnes (Mt) in February 2015, a 0.6% increase compared to February 2014.
Eurofer foresees for 2015 continued but slow growth, although the outlook remains vulnerable to downside risks such as an escalation of the conflict in the Ukraine, slow growth in the emerging world and persisting weakness in France and Italy.
In the third quarter of 2014 the company achieved higher earnings despite of lower revenues compared to last year.
The World Steel Association has released its Short Range Outlook (SRO) for 2014 and 2015. Worldsteel forecasts that global apparent steel use will increase by 2.0% to 1,562 Mt in 2014 following growth of 3.8% in 2013. In 2015, it is forecast that world steel demand will grow by another 2.0% and will reach 1,594 Mt.
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