
Start-up of the 500th BRT Hartner Bag Opener

BRT Hartner is the expert for development and sales of equipment for sorting and recycling plants. In April 2017, the 500th Bag Opener was installed and commissioned at AGR-DAR in Herten, Germany. Ibbenbüren / Herten.
bag opener
ROG- 10.04.2017 Herten - AGR DAR Sortierhalle, Probebetrieb neuer Sackaufreisser. [Copyright: Frank Rogner, Tel. +49 234 3382767 oder +49 171 2122488, Dirschauer Str. 10, 44789 B o c h u m, Email:, web: Es wird grundsaetzlich keine Einholung von Persoenlichkeits-, Kunst- oder Markenrechten zugesichert, es sei denn, dies ist hier in der Bildbeschriftung ausdruecklich vermerkt. Die Einholung dieser Rechte obliegt dem Nutzer.]

The sorting plant of AGR-DAR in Herten processes, sorts and assembles light weight packaging material for recycling. This procedure starts with the BO Bag Opener from BRT Hartner: the BO with integrated feed hopper is filled by wheel loader with the bags stored in the reception hall. The incorporated moving floor conveyor with a new, modified drive pushes the material to the two-part drum. The two halves of the drum are driven separately and create a relative movement which leads to reliable and efficient opening of the plastic bags. The content of the bags is loosened up but not shredded during this process.

The drum and its ripping fingers are of extremely high rigidity. A new special coating even quadruples the lifespan of these tools. Presently, the largest and most highly performing BRT HARTNER machine achieves a throughput of up to 220 m³ of light weight packaging per hour. As of yet, there is no other bag opener in the world that can process more material with an opening efficiency of 95 %.

The material processed by the BO is eventually fed to further treatment by a downstream inclination belt conveyor of the company Eggersmann Anlagenbau.

„We have successfully cooperated with BRT Hartner in the past and we are very pleased to optimize the handling process in our new sorting plant with the anniversary machine“, explains AGR-DAR managing director Lambert Freitag.

„We are very happy about the repeated decision of AGR-DAR for one of our products as it verifies our quality-conscious and customer-driven focus“, says Olaf Müller, managing director of BRT Hartner GmbH.

Source: Eggersmann
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