
New Global Recycling Foundation gives fresh impetus to promote recycling

The recycling industry remains one of the world’s “best-kept secrets” and its story needs to be told to future generations in order to help them in the preservation of the planet. So said BIR World President Ranjit Singh Baxi at the latest meeting of the World Council of Recycling Associations (WCRA), at which he made major announcements surrounding Global Recycling Day.

The second Global Recycling Day – to be held on March 18 2019 – will be themed “Recycling into the Future”, he confirmed to delegates in London on October 6, and its focus will be on the impact that today’s young people and future technologies can have on recycling. Young people will be specifically targeted by, for example, downloadable content for schools to celebrate the day as well as a football theme to harness the popularity of the game among the world’s youth.

Delegates also listened to an update on the success of the inaugural Global Recycling Day, which had surpassed expectations by reaching more than 13 million people and attracting 10.5 million impressions on social media. Interest remained strong, with five brands keen for further sponsorship/partnership discussions.

Also at the WCRA meeting, Mr Baxi announced the launch of the Global Recycling Foundation – a private organisation formed by BIR to build on the success of the first Global Recycling Day through promoting and supporting the industry in its mission to showcase the crucial role of recycling in conserving the planet’s vital natural resources. Among the Foundation’s nine goals are the continued celebration of Global Recycling Day on March 18 each year and promotion of the prioritisation of recyclables as the world’s “Seventh Resource”. 

Mr Baxi described the Foundation as “a vehicle for investment” which will seek and use funds from donors and partners across the globe to foster pro-recycling educational campaigns. Donations may be eligible for tax benefits and donors will be able to build their involvement into corporate and social responsibility programmes. 

Brian Shine, Chair of the US Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, congratulated all those involved in the success of the first Global Recycling Day and expressed support for customisable messaging to fit individual markets. Messages of continued support also came from, among others, Salam Sharif and Nasser Aboura of the Bureau of Middle East Recycling, Sanjay Mehta of the Material Recycling Association of India, Susie Burrage of the British Metals Recycling Association and Jean-Philippe Carpentier of FEDEREC in France.

Source: BIR

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