
RECYCLING magazine 01 / 2018

Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
Price excl. VAT and postage
Germany EUR 5.00
International EUR 5.00

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  • Topics

  • C. Falk,

    A different approach to tackling marine litter

    The ISWA Marine Task Force proposes reorienting the focus of immediate and concentrated efforts.

  • Source: Valentine Iwenwanne

    A favourable alternative source of employment

    Due to weak regulations, Africa has become a large e-waste dump – but the material also offers opportunities.

  • Source: Circle Economy

    A starting point to measure circularity

    Circle Economy presents a metric to measure circularity moving towards a circular economy and warns of the circularity gap.

  • Source: Timothy Byrne

    Efficient waste management for Piraeus

    Each year thousands of tourists visit the city, which makes a sustainable waste management system vital.

  • Timo Klostermeier,

    Getting closer to the target

    Due to the ongoing high demand in Europe, a recent study has reviewed the recycling performance of plastic packaging waste.

  • Source: E. Zillner

    Is the future of waste management digital?

    A survey by ISWA shows that the industry expects the digital revolution to happen – even for waste.

  • Source: BIR

    Promotion for the seventh resource

    With the ‚Global Recycling Day‘ on 18 March, the BIR wants to promote the benefits and successes of recycling.

  • Source: Dieter Schütz;

    Pune proposes solid waste management plan

    In order to process the solid waste piling up in the city, the Pune Municipal Corporation has a plan to tackle the problem.

  • Source: E. Zillner

    Shifting the burdens through deposit refund systems

    Local authorities in the UK could benefit massively by introducing deposit refund systems for beverage containers.

  • Source: Rainer Sturm,

    So much more than waste management

    The circular economy helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions – and can contribute to reducing climate change overall.

  • Source: Linus Unah

    Turning Nigeria‘s waste into furniture

    Small companies try to see the continuously growing volumes of waste in Lagos as a business opportunity.

  • Source: HSM

    ‚Dream bales‘ for a recycling material loop

    How waste that was considered useless yesterday can become a valuable secondary raw material.

Order single printed issue
RECYCLING magazine 01 / 2018

Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
Price excl. VAT and postage
Germany EUR 5.00
International EUR 5.00

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