Cargo-bicycles offer low-cost logistics services in Nigeria.
Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
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Germany EUR 5.00
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Cargo-bicycles offer low-cost logistics services in Nigeria.
One Indian city is becoming the country‘s front-runner in waste management.
A new solution turns mixed plastic waste into fuel again.
The calculation of recycling rates can be used to save money.
IFAT 2018 presents solutions and services for the recycling industry.
Colombia generates huge volumes of waste tyres, but has too little capacity for treatment.
Valoriza Servicios Medioambientalestook has taken over waste collection.
Chinese and American politics are challenging the non-ferrous metals industry.
How the Brazilian ferrous scrap industry has changed within the last decade.
Start-ups in Nigeria try to establish a circular economy.
Cilian Lohan (EESC) talks about the future of the circular economy in Europe.
Nigeria has developed one solution for two problems.
Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
Price excl. VAT and postage
Germany EUR 5.00
International EUR 5.00
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