RECYCLING magazine 02 / 2022

    Source Money: Alexas Fotos;; Jeans: E. Zillner
    Not all sectors are as circular as they should be. Especially the plastics industry has some considerable catching up to do. The same is also true for the waste management sector in South Asia and the textiles industry in general.

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    Source corn: Beverly Buckley; / Source bottle: E. Zillner
    Bioplastics are no silver bullet
    Bioplastics are often considered as an alternative to plastics made from fossil fuels. Howeve, they present some difficulties.
    Source: ch1310;
    Environmental and social sustainability in the denim industry
    Four diverse denim brands were chosen to study their impacts at product level.
    Source: Ermanno Ferrarini;
    Finally becoming circular
    Although the European Union has a numer of policies in place to promote the circular economy concept, some sectors are still lagging behind.
    Source: Clker-Free-Vector-Images;
    For a sustainable transformation
    Lithium-ion batteries could be a promising solution for energy storage capacities needed in the future.
    Source: StockSnap,
    From fast fashion to a wellbeing wardrobe
    The Euopean Environmental Bureau puts forward a proposal how the textiles industry of the future could look like.
    Source: WRAP
    GBFS as raw material for colourless glass
    A study shows the feasibility of the Fe content reduction process, using mining processes similar to primary mineral beneficiation.
    Source: Plastic Recyclers Europe
    How can the plastics industry in Europe remain competitive
    Europe today is pioneering the plastics recycling industry worldwide.
    Source: Recover
    Insects, earthworms, and enzymes tackle plastic pollution
    A current project is working on the remediation of plastic pollution in agricultural fields.
    Source: Lucia-Grzeskiewicz;
    It’s not only about money
    According to a report, the challenges associated with financing and accounting are a major obstacle to adopting circular business models.
    Source: Arjes
    Powering industrial shredders
    With help from Volvo Penta, Arjes has been able to develop machines that can eat through waste like no other.
    Sources: Valomag
    Recycling magnets from e-motors, generators and hard disk drives
    How the VALOGMAG project wants to make the recycling of permanent magnets more feasible.
    The conundrum of waste management in South Asia
    South Asia has an odd, two-pronged waste management dilemma, particularly concerning its landfills.
    Source: Sysemiq
    The future has to be circular
    A recent study shows in different scenarios how the plastics industry can become more circular and even emission neutral.

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    RECYCLING magazine 02 / 2022

    Price: EUR 16,90
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