
Linda Leone Appointed to ISRI Board

| The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) recently named Linda Leone to its Board of Directors. Leone will serve as a board member on behalf of the Association’s Paper Division. She also serves as the Paper Division’s 2nd Vice President.

Rowe Nuremberg opens new paper sorting plant

| The REDWAVE Process Monitoring and Control System (PMCS) allows maximum automation of systems as well as optimisation of the entire sorting process.
C. Nöhren,

BIR Paper Division: Double headache for exporters

| An “explosion” in container rates “had nearly dealt a death blow to the shipping of recovered paper”, the latest BIR Paper Division meeting was told by its outgoing President, Reinhold Schmidt of Germany-based Recycling Karla Schmidt.
C. Nöhren,

EPRA disagrees on European declaration on paper recycling

| The federation claims that the new declaration does not take into account the legitimate interests of the supply side of the paper value chain, which provides every day the secondary raw materials needed to manufacture new paper.

ERPC becomes the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC)

| To align with its new “Declaration on Paper Recycling” the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) has been renamed the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC).

European paper industy launches investment roadmap

| The European paper industry has today launched the reviewed version of its 2050 Roadmap detailing the pathways and investment needed to cut its carbon emissions by 80% while creating 50% more added-value.

More paper consumption, less recycling

| According to CEPI’s preliminary statistics for 2016, the overall consumption of paper and board in CEPI countries in 2016 increased by 1% compared to 2015. Meanwhile, the use of paper for recycling has fallen by around 0.3%.

CEPI publishes update of Paper for Recycling Quality Control guidelines

| CEPI has published an updated version of the ‘Paper for Recycling – Quality control guidelines’ including an annex which outlines in more detail the technical measurements.

European paper industry unveils major investment agenda

| CEPI foresees 40% more investment to transform industry and lead the low-carbon bioeconomy in Europe.

Quality cannot be compromised

| DS Smith's latest report focuses on the need to ensure that quality materials are consistently collected even when volumes of recyclate increase.

Growing competition from Asia

| During the paper comittee's meeting at the BIR autumn conference in Amsterdam, China was once again the main topic.

Paper recycling in Europe now at 71.5%

| The paper recycling rate in Europe reached 71.5% as announced by the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) in their final monitoring report for 2015. Compared to 2010, collection and recycling has increased by almost one million tonnes of paper.
C. Nöhren,

Quantity criterion in the definition of municipal waste is important

| Leading federations representing the paper value chain call for the co-legislators to support the further increase of paper recycling and safeguard the “quantity” criterion in the definition of municipal waste.

ISRI publishes 2016 Scrap Yearbook

| In addition to the economic and environmental benefits covered, new this year is expanded information on the global portion of the industry, including increased data on trends and markets.

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