Doppstadt showed a variety of new machines at Ifat.
Doppstadt showed a variety of new machines at Ifat.
Veolia and ZenRobotics, have agreed on a delivery of a ZenRobotics Recycler waste sorting system. The delivery of the waste sorting robots will take place in spring 2016 and the robots will be the first of their kind in France.
The ZRR from Zenrobotics is now fully trainable, which means that operators can themselves train the robot to sort just about anything. The new feature enables customers to quickly react to changes in the waste. For the first time customers have full control of what is sorted.
With the new sorting system BTB PET-Recycling wants to reduce the waste volume to be competitive.
ZenRobotics has introduced the next model of ZenRobotics Recycler, a waste sorting system which reclaims raw materials from waste using robots.
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