According to Andritz the results of the business year are in detail:
- Sales amounted to 5,889.1 MEUR and were thus 2.5% below the level of the previous year (2016: 6,039.0 MEUR). This is due primarily to the significant drop in sales in the Hydro business area (-9.7% compared to 2016) as a result of the declining order intake in the preceding years. Service business saw very favorable development and accounted for 34% of total sales (2016: 32%)
- Order intake amounted to 5,579.5 MEUR and was thus practically at the same level as the previous year’s reference period (+0.2% compared to 2016: 5,568.8 MEUR). While the Pulp & Paper, Metals, and Separation business areas were able to increase their order intake compared to the previous year, the order intake in the Hydro business area declined sharply.
- The order backlog at the end of 2017 amounted to 6,383.0 MEUR (-6.0% compared to the end of 2016: 6,789.2 MEUR).
- In spite of the drop in sales, the EBITA increased to 444.0 MEUR (+0.4% compared to 2016: 442.1 MEUR). This is due to a non-recurring extraordinary effect – as reported on the occasion of the results for the first half of 2017 – in the amount of around 25 MEUR, which resulted mainly from the sale of the Schuler Technical Center in Tianjin.
- Net income (without non-controlling interests) decreased due to the decline of the financial result to 263.0 MEUR (2016: 274.6 MEUR).
- The net worth position and capital structure as of December 31, 2017 remained solid. Total assets amounted to 6,265.3 MEUR (December 31, 2016: 6,198.6 MEUR). The equity ratio reached 21.2% (December 31, 2016: 21.7%). At 908.0 MEUR, net liquidity remained at a solid level (December 31, 2016: 945.3 MEUR).
- At the Annual General Meeting on March 23, 2018, the Executive Board will propose an increase in dividend to 1.55 EUR per share (2016: 1.50 EUR). This is equal to a payout ratio of around 60.1% (2016: around 55.8%).
For 2018, Andritz assumes that project activity will remain unchanged compared to the preceding year and expects from today’s perspective a good business development. “We are positive overall for 2018 and expect stable sales compared to 2017 and satisfactory profitability,” said Wolfgang
Leitner, President and CEO of Andritz AG.