News archive
In order to improve metal recovery Re-Gen tasked Eriez Europe with selecting magnetic separators suitable for the required metal recovery.
Expert organizations have united to create the first European database of valuable materials available for “urban mining” from scrap vehicles, spent batteries, waste electronic and electrical equipment, and mining wastes.
Today the European Parliament voted to align the Renewable Energy Directive with the circular economy, by strengthening the criteria for the use of waste and residues for energy production.
But European Commission misses chance to fully embrace circular benefits of bio-based plastics and biodegradable plastics.
Pack2Go Europe, the association of manufacturers of single use glasses, cups, trays and other containers made of plastics, paper or a combination of materials, is encouraged by the focus on more and better collection, recovery and recycling of used plastics packaging contained in the EU Plastics Strategy released today by the European Commission.
PlasticsEurope supports the creation of a joint vision for a truly circular and resource efficient Europe, the promotion of actions aimed at tackling plastics leakage into the environment, increasing recycling and re-use and boosting innovation.
ESWET welcomes the adoption of the EU Strategy for Plastics, a proposal that through its multiple applications will improve the life of citizens. However, despite the efforts made by the European Commission in order to boost and improve recycling, the Strategy fails to take into consideration the option of energy recovery.
Six European organisations from the plastics value chain have committed, in cooperation with the European Commission, to launch Circularity Platforms aiming to reach 50% plastics waste recycling by 2040. These will drive the recycling of plastic products in Europe and considerably reduce littering volumes.
Gervasi Ecologica has designed its first semitrailer specifically to transport metal scrap up to 86 m3.
The strategy was announced as “a part of the transition towards a more circular economy”. According to the commission, it “will protect the environment from plastic pollution whilst fostering growth and innovation”.
While much of the media focus on China’s impending Plastic import ban is geared towards authorities, industry professionals, and recycling companies, it will inevitably have a consequence on all waste handlers further down the line, commercial and residential – according to a statement of Mick George Ltd.
Short news
Amut S.p.A. has announced the merging by incorporation of the company Amut Dolci Bielloni, after the acquisition of Dolci Bielloni company 100% capital shares, made in 2014. The “Flexible Packaging Equipment Division” of Amut will be present on the market with the brand name Amut Dolci Extrusion.