News archive
The Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) released the 2012 Post Consumer Plastics Recycling in Canada Report stating that for the third year in a row, the amount of post-consumer plastic packaging being recycled across Canada has increased.
According to a press release Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) has developed a world-first technology for recycling the copper contained in wiring harnesses, in collaboration with Yazaki Corporation, Toyota Tsusho Corporation, and eight other companies. The newly-developed technology is expected to produce copper with a purity of 99.96 percent.
Invotec Group, a manufacturer of high technology PCBs, has announced its participation in the Sustainable Treatment Of Waste Using Recycled Chitosans (STOWURC) project which has been set up under the auspices of the Technology Strategy Board.
PV Cycle has announced that it has received approval from the secretary of state of the UK to operate a DTS (Dstributor Take-back Scheme). The DTS is focussed on the collection of photovoltaic (PV) panels through a network of PV-dedicated collection facilities.
The new plant, build by Sims Metal Management, is expexted to handle all of the cities recyclables.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in 2012 Americans generated about 251 million tons of trash and recycled and composted 86,6 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 34.5 percent recycling rate.
Draft EU rules that would require EU member states to clamp down on illegal waste shipments within the EU and to non-EU countries were backed by the Environment Committee on Wednesday. These rules, informally agreed with EU ministers, would close legal loopholes and entail more inspections. Member states would have to include in their inspection plans a minimum number of physical checks, and inspectors would be given more powers.
Inashco and Wheelabrator Technologies have announced the formation of a North American-based joint venture company dedicated to the recycling of ferrous and nonferrous metals from the waste-to-energy process.
CDEnviro have marked their arrival in the European Waste Water market with the announcement that they will exhibit at IFAT 2014.
19 leaders and CEOs of Europes aluminium industry have addressed an open letter to the heads of states and gouvernments, asking them to align the EU’s industrial, climate and energy policies and prevent further de-industrialisation and investment leakage.
Boeing and Kaiser Aluminium have announced a scrap recycling program.
Atlas Copco has announced hydro magnets as the latest complement to its range of hydraulic attachments. The range of hydro magnets enables valuable iron and steel to be seperated quickly and easily from concrete waste for subsequent recycling.