
A new alliance between the waste management and manufacturing industries

| On July 6, FEAD hosted an in-person event, under the title, “How to make the circular economy work? A new alliance between waste management and the manufacturing industries”.

RReuse: A watershed moment for social enterprises in the textiles sector

| RReuse welcomes the proposed text of the revision of the Waste Framework Directive as a major milestone in recognising the pivotal role of social enterprises active in re-use.

Zero Waste Europe: WFD revision a missed opportunity

| While Zero Waste Europe welcomes the Commission’s proposal to introduce EU-wide food waste reduction targets, the NGO regrets that the proposal missed an opportunity to address key issues in the waste sector.

Circular economy for textiles

| Today, the Commission is proposing rules to make producers responsible for the full lifecycle of textile products and to support the sustainable management of textile waste across the EU.

European Green Deal: more sustainable use of plant and soil natural resources

| Today, the Commission adopted a package of measures for a sustainable use of key natural resources, which will also strengthen the resilience of EU food systems and farming.

Transition to circular economy behind schedule in EU countries

| There is little sign so far of the EU’s transition to a circular economy, says a report published today by the European Court of Auditors.

EuRIC strongly supports the Czech proposal to lower VAT

| EuRIC reiterates its strong support for economic incentives as a powerful tool for the transition to a circular and climate-neutral economy.

Certain pre-requisites needed to ensure the PPWR delivers

| Following the first compromise proposals on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) by the European co-legislators, EuRIC is making an urgent plea to EU decision makers to ensuring that the PPWR delivers on closing the loop.

More circular economy needed to make European consumption sustainable

| Unsustainable consumption in Europe and beyond is one of the main drivers of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

FEAD pledges commitment of the waste management industry

| FEAD pledges the commitment of the waste management industry to enhancing recycling targets, after a Commission report indicated that a significant number of EU Member States fall behind in achieving them.

How to use circular economy to enhance biodiversity?

| A briefing, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA), emphasises that, in addition to ongoing efforts to prevent waste, specific circular economy practices in sourcing of raw materials hold significant potential to also protect and enhance biodiversity.

Commission recommends actions to boost recycling

| In a report published on thursday, the Commission identifies Member States at risk of not meeting the 2025 preparing for re-use and recycling targets for municipal and all packaging waste and the 2035 landfilling target.

Recyclers call for a Critical Raw Materials Regulation that promotes circularity in Europe

| European recyclers warn of a plethora of poorly justified proposed amendments found in ITRE’s draft report on the EU COM proposal on Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) published on 26 and 30 May 2023.

New raw materials roadmap announced for Europe

| EIT RawMaterials and the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) have released a roadmap that, if followed and given an investment of at least €15bn, could supply many of the EU’s raw materials needs by 2030 and beyond.

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